Our Privacy Policy - P3 Enter10ments

Privacy Policy

1- Objective and Scope

Welcome to our website P3 Enter10ments, It’s about the entertainment industry, covering Hollywood, Bollywood, Tollywood, etc. P3 Enter10ments gives respect to the trust that its users and visitors have on it. For this reason, we have framed the best standards and rules of privacy policy guidelines to keep the information secret shared by you with us. This kind of privacy rules guides the use of personal information by P3 Enter10ments to its online users and subscribers on the internet. This privacy policy gives description of using the information that is collected and shared by other sites where this privacy is highlighted and shown. We follow the guidelines of privacy according to the laws that are seen and operated. In some conditions we also give additional policies to protect the personal data of our online users and subscribers. These terms of privacy are to be read well so that you may know well how we protect the privacy of our online visitors.

Please remember that when you give information to us on a third party platform like social media sites then we collect such information from these platforms and store it as privacy data on our website. Yet we won’t make use of your personal information that we have collected from the data platform of the third party. Kindly also remember that our applications and website also has links of other sites that is not operated by us. Thus we are not responsible for making privacy policy for such websites. When you leave our website then we encourage you to read the privacy policies of other websites whose links are seen on our web pages. These sites may collect and store your personal data.

2- Content for Users

When you use P3 Enter10ments to buy any services or take part in any online contest then you agree to give us the consent so that we may use and share our personal information that is mentioned in our privacy policy. In some conditions if you live in a country that protects your data according to its regulations. Thus we will ask your consent and permission to get access to our services before we proceed further to make you our online visitor or subscriber.

3- Collecting and Using of Personal Information

When we talk about personal information then we mean that the name, address, email address and phone number of any online visitor is not to be shared with the third party without the permission and consent of that online visitor. When your information gets such status then it is treated as personal data or information.

4- What Information You Give to Us?

When you land on our website P3 Enter10ments then you have to give us your personal information that you will use at our site. If you do not give us this information we may not give you with all required services like first and last name, email address, phone number and city and state address.

5- What Information Do We Collect

We collect all information about yourself. We also see what kind of services you prefer that we give to you. We also see your interactions with us by email and online chat and phone. We record your GEO location and IP address. We also check you cookies with which you browse and navigate our website. You can see how we use cookies on our policies concerned with website cookies.

6-What Information We Get Through Third Parties

When you link with us with a login account at P3 Enter10ments by a third party like Google and Facebook then they send us your information about registration and profile.

7- The Purpose of Processing Your Data

We will collect and process your personal data only when we have lawful requirements to do so. According to lawful basis we will process and use your personal data when we feel it to be compulsory. Our customer support team will process your data to offer premium services. We use your personal information and data to do online marketing of our services. We also process our registration to make orders, online payments and to do communication with you. We do prevention, detection and investigation of illegal acts that also involve fraud and breaking our service terms.

We make communication with you regarding our services like email newsletters and messaging. Thus we can send you the latest news about P3 Enter10ments. We will also tell about the new features and content that you will see on our website. We will also send you special offers and surveys that you will need to complete online. You can also send us requests about changing or resetting your login password. We will also tell and inform you when we make any kind of changes in our terms and services. When we offer interactive features then we encourage you to use them as our regular visitors. We may also make use of your information to contact you when we want to tell you about the services of our website and the third party. If you are not willing us to use your personal information and data then please contact us for the same. We would collect your personal data like name, email address, phone number etc when you give us your consent to collect and use them.

8- Sharing Information with Third Parties

During some times P3 Enter10ments might share certain personal information with its business partners that would work well with its website. It would also help to do online marketing in front of customers and visitors like you. Take for example when you subscribe to our website then you will need to share your personal information with us to process your subscription. If we approve your user account then it will be operated by you according to our privacy policies. Our website will share and use your personal information only when it wants to inform you about the changes in its policies and rules. Yet we won’t share your personal data with any non essential third parties like organizations and companies.

We are going to share your personal data and information outside our website when you give us consent for it. Then only you will get services from us like newsletters, messages and promotional offers. We also offer your personal information to our affiliates so that they may process it and contact you with attractive offers that match with your likes and hobbies. We do all these things in accordance with our privacy policies. We use your personal data to give you the best customer support

In case if the court or any government organization asks us to give your information then we will give that much information that has been required legally. We will share your personal information with others in good faith that nobody will disclose it to others. In any event P3 Enter10ments merges with any other company or party.

9- Your Preferences

We give you the facility to keep control on your preferences and choices concerned with our news collection and sharing your personal data. In this concern your choices might involve managing information that you can access and update in your account. If you connect your account at P3 Enter10ments with third party like Google or Facebook as well as Twitter, then also you can change your settings of your user accounts. In this way you can maintain safety with your account. We give you the authority to keep your personal data updated. Our customer care team will send you regular reminders to keep your personal information updates. We also help you to rectify the errors that you make while making your personal account.

We also protect your information as longs as you maintain your user account at our website. Till you use our website we protect your personal data from reaching in the hands of any third party. If you no longer wish us to use your personal information then you can stop subscribing us. You may even deactivate your user account when you no longer wish to continue with our services. In some conditions we may save your some personal information for our business goals as well as detecting online fraud and prevention of data theft. In case if we suspend your user account at our website still we may keep your personal information saved in our online data case.

We may also save and keep your personal information when we need to fulfill any kind of legal obligations. We may keep your personal data to do formalities like payment of tax, legal reports and doing the tasks like auditing. We might maintain copies of your personal information so that we may keep them safe at the time of data backup and website maintenance. We always keep your personal data in our website backup systems.

Whenever you wish to suspend or close your user account at our website you may send an email to us. We will check your request and may also tell to confirm your identity. After doing the task of post verification we will accept your request to suspend your user account. You may even object to us when we do the processing of your personal information for doing online promotion and marketing. You can show your non consent by sending an email to us.

If you have any kind complaints with our data protection system then you can contact our work authorities. Off course you have the right to protect your private and sensitive data is anybody is misusing it for his personal benefit. You can contact our data protection authorities when you feel that someone is trying to have illegal access to your personal data. Yet please note if you do not allow us to have access to your personal data then we won’t be able to tell you about our latest services and products. In such conditions we may also not be able to know what are your hobbies and interests. In case if it is compulsory to share your personal information then we will tell you about it. If you have any doubts while sharing your personal information with us then you may contact our customer support team. You can ask any question in this concern from them.

10- Privacy of Children

P3 Enter10ments is a website that does not prefer visitors who are less than 16 years of age. It does not permit any person to land on its website whose is not above 16 years of age. If you are such a person then you do not have the right to register a user account with us. In case if P3 Enter10ments come to know that some of its users are below 16 years then it has the right to delete the user accounts of such persons. When any of our users are teenagers then we expect their parents to know how they are using and surfing our website. We do not accept any personal information from users below 16 years of age and we tell the parents of such persons to keep a watch about their activities on the internet. In case if any parent has the opinion that their children have signed up at our website with their consent then these parents can contact our customer support services.

11- Transfer Storage and Processing of Global Data

We at P3 Enter10ments maintain the transfer, storage and processing of global data to those companies that work in partnership with our website. We do this when we make affiliate companies as our business partners. One more thing is that we never share your personal data with any third party without taking your legal consent. We also take essential steps to protect your sensitive data from web based hackers. We work on the laws based on European Union Law.

12- Security Provisions According Law

We want to inform you that we are offering security provisions according to the law. We take proper measures to maintain technical as well as physical protection of our website. We also protect your information against illegal access, destruction and theft on the internet. In case you feel that your account is being accessed illegally from a hidden person then you can contact our customer care team. You can even approach us when you see that someone has stolen your username and password.

13- Changes in Service Policy

We make changes in our service policies from time to time. We have the legal right to make changes in our service provisions whenever required. We do this after compliance with the laws that operate online services and products. Whenever we update our service terms we will send you a copy of them immediately at your email address. Yet we will send you a message about these changes only when we feel that these changes in the terms may affect your rights as a user at our website. In these conditions you will have the responsibility to study about the changes of these service policies from time to time.

14- Information to Contact Us

If you need anything to know when we use your personal information, then you may contact us. Our customer care team also handles the personal data of your account. Thus you can contact them and remain assured about the safety of your personal information.