How to watch Star War movies in perfect order?
To watch star wars movies in order without getting lost between the parts and live-action of star war movies.

Star wars is a name that certainly you have heard if you love to watch science fiction based space drama. This George Lucus series is so exciting that now in 2021 there is an announcement that the new star wars tv show is also coming. After George Lucas dealing with Disney, this series is now available to watch on Disney+ with its subscription pack. But, before heading toward this 9 parts skywalker saga correlated with two independent movies, the viewers should decide from where they need to start. This story is made with the prequel, original and sequel, which name as episodes, which means there is a chance that a viewer may be lost between the part and also miss the entertainment value they may derive from it. For watching the star wars films in order here are two list one which made in chronological order and another in releasing an order.
To watch Star Wars movies in chronological order you just have to follow the list:
The prequel
Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Independent story
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
The Original
Episode IV - A New Hope
Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
The Sequel
Episode VII - The Force Awakens
Episode VIII - The Last Jedi
Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker
George Lucas had created the original trilogy first which is followed by the flashback story which is called the prequel trilogy and then the story continues in the present phase which is called the sequel trilogy.
But if you follow the order of star wars movies list above mentioned, it will be easier to understand this big story with so much twist and turn. Well, this chronological list made the work easy but at the same time it also spoils the twist and secret of Darth Vader in the original which may reveal in the prequel and its consequences deal in the sequel.
To enjoy the secret and exciting truth you may follow the releasing order list.
Below the list of star wars movies in the releasing order:
Episode IV - A New Hope
Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Episode VII - The Force Awakens
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Episode VIII - The Last Jedi
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker
This is the actual dream and target of George Lucas trilogy to make a story with so much heart bursting drama. It starts with the original, then the prequel parts before the final ending in the sequel films.
With this order you get along the story of Luke conquering Darth Vader, and how Darth Vader is become negative and then how Rey fuel again the legacy Luke left behind. The other independent film Rogue One and Solo are optional to watch as it irrelevant for the continuing story.

Besides these star wars ultimate order list, here is another option which is Machete Order.
According to this list, the viewer has to watch the movies in splits and such as after Luke finds the reality of Darth Vader, then go to the prequels and Watch Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith to understand the situation due to which a young Anakin Skywalker was absorbed by the Dark Side, before completing the journey in Return of the Jedi.
So according to this, you start with Episode 4: A New Hope and Episode 5: The empire strikes back then follow the below-mentioned order.
Episode IV - A New Hope
Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Episode VII - The Force Awakens
Episode VIII - The Last Jedi
Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker
Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
In the Machete Order, there is no need to watch Episode1: Phantom Menace because this movie does not affect the other prequels movies. Qui-Gon Jinn and Midi-Chlorians are not relevant for the further story.
But still, If you want to watch Episode 1 then as Rod Hilton said “to watch Episodes VII, VIII, and IX after the other movies. You can then treat Episode I as an anthology, like Rogue One and Solo”.

To avoid this confusion as there are many parts of the star wars movies, the star wars tv shows and animated series the Disney issued a timeline that stated what comes before and what is next. It is also helpful for the first-timer without getting lost in this deep see of star wars to watch every star wars movie.
According to the Disney timeline, this star wars ultimate order list follow :
Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Star wars: the clone wars( film)
Star wars: the clone wars
Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Star war: Rebels
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Episode IV - A New Hope
Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
The Mandalorian
Star Wars: Resistance
Episode VII - The Force Awakens
Episode VIII - The Last Jedi
Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker
As the list comprised not only Star Wars movies, but also tv series such as The Clone Wars, Rebels, Resistance, and The Mandalorian which will come in more recent years Disney‘s timeline series did a great job for the beginner to introduce with star wars universe. It might be possible that you can assume where The Clone Wars animated series takes place like between Episodes II and III, but for the other parts it can be difficult but with Disney' timeline, it is easier to find that Star Wars: Rebels has happened before the events of episode 4: A New Hope and The Mandalorian is happened after Return of the Jedi but before the Star Wars: Resistance animated series.
To give more pleasure to the fans of star wars, there are some star wars video games that will also excite you and make you also a member of star wars.
Now as you can watch every star wars movies with a Disney+ subscription which includes its 9 parts and also its new shows. It's great to follow the above-mentioned order as per your interest and time. For the independent movies if you want to carry only with storyline then you can avoid these two films as they do not affect the continuing story but if you area beginner and don't want to miss any experience then you can watch these movies in release order or before or after the sequel trilogy.